Dear Sirs,

I would like to submit evidence to the committees with regards to the proposed exemption to Wales’ smoke-free legislation for the film and TV industry. I would be happy to give oral evidence to the committees if necessary. I hate smoking, it’s horrible and the smell makes me feel sick. As an actress, if I was asked to work next to others who smoked on set I would feel so uncomfortable. If I was ever asked to smoke a cigarette on set I wouldn’t be able to. That worries me, what if I couldn’t get a role purely on the basis that I wouldn’t smoke a real one? I was really proud when Wales kept the smoking ban on sets for film and T.V! The fact that directors would have to find other ideas to include fake cigarettes meant that there’s an opportunity for me to get more roles without harming my health. Not only this but I wasn’t at any risk of second hand smoke and I wouldn’t have to put up with the smell of them that makes me feel ill. I’ve seen E cigarettes used on stage and they are just as effective! There’s no need for real ones!


Bethan Edwards